
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Quirky Postcards...

Going through my crap as I prepare to move back in with my parents, I came across some postcards I picked up years ago. Clearly, I liked them too much to entertain the idea of actually using them for their intended purpose (though I'd also completely forgotten about them until I dug 'em up out of the dank hell-hole that is my closet). Check it:

My idea of a romantic date.

A bit of whimsy from Barnes & Noble.

My favorite, obviously. For when I need a belly-laugh. I'm thinking of framing it.


  1. Love them :) I have some weird postcards from when I visited Japan, but I also have a bunch of other postcards from other miscellaneous travels. Most of them aren't that amusing, just landscape images and so on.

  2. Postcards are very collectable. I think framing them is a good idea, these are unique! I collect postcards depicting Alaska, used and unused.

  3. I have a book called 'the world's tackiest postcards' and it's a hoot. I love postcards and collect them too, esp. old ones of places like Victoria/Vancouver BC, San Francisco, Cape Cod, etc. I also scored a rare and expensive 'hold to light' postcard from ebay one year.

  4. "Her vocabulary was like whatever." Love it.

  5. Hahahaha I love them. The third is hilarious, but I like the second the most. :-)

  6. Love it. Frame them all and hang them in your new place. It will help you smile on days when you need it most.

  7. Good idea, Juli. Tonja, I like that bit best on that card too. :-)


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