
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Blog Critique!

The fabulous and generous Laura Barnes of Laura B Writer runs a series on her blog where she gives interested bloggers feedback on the look and feel of their blogs "from a marketing perspective" (or, as Laura calls it, FAMP!). Today, she's critiqued mine! Click here to check it out! (And leave lots of lovely comments!!!)


  1. Going there now!

    Oh, and if you're interested in yet another blog award, I've given you one in my post today. ;^)

  2. Laura's fab! She's one of my CP's. :D I'll go check out her post!

  3. Awesome! Laura gave you some really good advice and nice praise too. I personally love coming to your blog not only for your posts but also because I have to hit the Content Warning button, hehehehe (; Oh and I recently added the Lilnkwithin widget. It's really easy to plug in and a nice way to suggest older posts to your readers.

  4. Kudos to you for earning the spotlight on another blog! Going over to visit now...

  5. @Chris - thanks, Dude, I'll go check it out!

    @Jackie - le awesome! I bet she (and you!) makes for a great CP!

    @Elise - aw, thanks! I've been trying to figure out about that linked in jazz but didn't even know what it's called, till now! :-)

    @Juli - thanks, but it was less "earned" and more "requested (by me)". :-)

  6. Great blog critique. You have a wonderful blog so well done you! Laura gave me a really good critique too a while ago. It really helped.

  7. This is fantastic, Mina! I followed the link and read the comments. So helpful and funny, too. I left a comment, and hope she can do mine sometime in the future. :-)

  8. I love your background picture.

  9. This is a great idea! But I think your blog is awesome so...

  10. Great review of your blog! I really like the dark colors on it too. It suits.

  11. well if I was a blog crtiquey person I would definitely say your blog is fab, Mina - it is a little uncompromising on the eye, although I sort of assumed that was to give it a spiky edge etc (you see why I'm not a blog critiquey person)

  12. @Claire - thanks so much! I remember reading her critique of your blog (I basically stalked Laura's blog to get as much info as I could about what to do to get my blog ready for its critique). :-)

    @Lexa - Laura's got a page on her blog with instructions on how to request a critique, dunno if you saw that. In case you didn't, click here for that info.

    @Tonja - thank you! (It was one of the "pre-sets" Blogger offers.)

    @Heather - Awwwwwww, you've got me feelin' all warm and fuzzy, now. :-)

    @Christine - I dig the dark colors too (which, I guess, is pretty obvious). ;-)

  13. @David, your comment slipped in as I was typing the above. Would you please elaborate on the "uncompromising on the eye" thing? I'd like folks to be comfortable when they read it! (Or else, they won't read it!)

    1. well I said 'a little' to be fair. I'd say black, white and red are kind of 'in your face' colors but I'm not sure pastel tones would convey the right image and judging by the number of comments people clearly are reading.

    2. You know, I didn't realize till I started playing with the font color how violently white vibrated at my eyes. Here I thought I was doing a good thing. Well, I've since tamed the color scheme a bit. What d'you reckon?

  14. I am on my way to check it out, though I must say I do like what I see right now.


C'mon, post a comment. All the cool kids do.