
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Be Inspired Award!

With this post I believe I'll (finally) be caught up on fulfilling the responsibilities of all the awards bestowed upon me in July. (Woo-hoo!)

Hearty thanks go to Georgina Morales of Diary of a Writer in Progress and also to Chris Fries of A Writer's Expanding and Slightly-Warped Universe for giving me the "Be Inspired" award.

The rules are very simple (thank God): thank the one(s) who gave you the award and pass it along to six other blogs. And so I pass it on to:

Tahoma Beadworks & Photography

Christine Rains - Writer


Writing Off the Edge

Cherie Reich - Author

Theresa's Tales of Teaching Tribulations and Typing Teen Texts

And because I feel I ought to throw in a little something for your amusement:

And just in case you're unfamiliar with the inspiration for this take on the Staredad meme:


  1. loved the cartoon and congratulations on the award.

  2. Thank you sooo much for the award! :D I didn't at all get the cartoon till I watched the video. Or at least the first 30 seconds of it b/c that's all I could take. lol At least the cartoon makes sense now.

  3. Congrats on the award and thank you very much for passing it on. That comic made me giggle!

  4. I didn't get it either. Tonight I'm going to say "Milkshake" randomly in front of my kids and install some parental controls if anyone makes a face.

  5. I find myself liking this video and I don't think it's to do with the music or some childhood memory of milk shake, either - haven't forgotten about the award thing from before, will get round to it (honestly)

  6. @Brandon - thanks!

    @Michael - it's such a relief to have done my duty!

    @JoJo - Visiting your blog, I'm truly inspired by your enthusiastic creative expression, almost every day. Rock on, Lady!

    @Christine - I think I cackled the first time I saw that 'toon. :-)

    @Tonja - LOL! I want to know how that experiment turned out!

    @David - imagine, you liking that video...quelle surprise. ;-)

  7. Congrats on the reward!

    Adore the comic you included. :-D

  8. Cartoon is so freaking hilarious!!!!!

    I love it!

  9. Congratulations!! And that cartoon is hilarious. I'm still snorting as I'm typing. Hope you're having a great weekend.

  10. @a.eye - Me too. :-)

    @Melissa - thank was a looooong weekend! Read about it in today's post! ;-)


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