
Monday, April 30, 2012

The Dark Romance of Z...

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ZZ Top ~ Gimme All Your Lovin'
This is just a fun rock song which really doesn't require too much explanation or interpretation - just give the fellas all your lovin', already. Sheesh!

Z (Band) ~ Did I Mention It Was Huge?
I have to thank/blame My Dear Friend Kellie for this one (BTW, Kel - as of this September, we'll have known one another for 28 years, man. TWENTY-EIGHT YEARS!!!!!!!!!!). Ahem. (No, really; I'm fine.) ANYWAY, Z were Ahmet and Dweezil Zappa, and I am fairly confident that they hadn't mentioned anything to me about its size before. I have, however, duly noted the assertion and will take the matter under advisement.

Zoom In ~ Duran Duran
Well, Duran Duran started this whole Blogging from A to Z Challenge business on my blog and, by gad, they're gonna finish it! Some interpret Zoom In as being about an online game, others say it's about the paparazzi and their stalking of celebrities and that whole symbiotic relationship. I like to think it's more personal and just about being wholly focused on someone you really dig. Anyway, it's got a good beat, you can dance to it, and I am le tired, so that's all I'm gonna say about it.

And so we come to the close of the Challenge. It's been great to "meet" other bloggers and make friends, and it's also been a challenge to stick to it and not fall behind. But mostly, it's been a pleasure - hope it was for you, too.


  1. Mina, it's definitely been a pleasure. I confess that I love Duran Duran and have since the age of oh...around 13 lol. Guess it's one of those back to childhood things. Awesome send to the challenge!

    1. Thanks, Tracy - and likewise, on every point! :-)

  2. I hope you continue to post now that A-Z is over!

    1. Thanks, JoJo! Mais oui, I will - and I look forward to continuing to visit all the cool cats, such as yourself, whom I've met throughout April. :-)

  3. How have I lived this long without ZZ Top on my iPod??? Thanks for reminding me!

    1. I don't know!!! ;-) I remember "Legs" getting a lot more airplay than this tune did, back in the day, though I far prefer "Gimme All Your Lovin."

  4. Great Z's. Never heard that DD song. I have really enjoyed this A-Z but boy, talk about hard work! The best bit was finding so many new bloggers though. I am so pleased to have found your blog and will take some time to go through some of your older posts now I will, hopefully, have a bit more time :)

  5. Congrats, Mina on your A-Z! Pop over to my blog, I've got a 'survivors' badge waiting for those who want it, plus I've got you on a list of folks I now consider to be my BlogoFs... Blogoverse Friends :)

    1. Yay! More pretty badges, W00000T! And ditto - I'm glad to have become blog buddies with you, too!

  6. Great z post. I loved ZZ top back in the day. Still do. Like their old stuff best. Check out "jesus just left chicago" - classic ZZ. Congrats on completing the a-z.

    1. Great bluesy tune, Laurie! Thanks for your kind words - and congrats to you as well!

  7. Congratulations on completing A to Z. It was exhausting, wasn't it?

    1. Thanks, Theresa, and same to you! Gosh, it really, really was!!! :-)


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