
Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Dark Romance of Y...

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Your Woman ~ White Town
You know that old saying, about hell's fury paling in comparison to a woman's? This is (to me) a comical expression of the idea, the most amusing bit being, "So much for all your highbrow, Marxist ways; just use me up and then you walk away." C'mon, that's hilariously eloquent for a chick enduring the death throes of her relationship.

Your Touch ~ The Black Keys
This was the first of their tunes I ever heard and, as I've already said many times throughout April, it grabbed me by the gut from the very beginning. It's a super-simple arrangement of drums, guitar, and the oh, so sexy voice of Dan Auerbach. Frankly, when he wails that he nee-eee-eee-eee-eeeds my touch, I'm more than willing to...oh, he's married? Damn it. Um, I mean - I wish him and his family every happiness.

You, The Night, and the Music ~ Tones on Tail
It's a sinisterly sexy Goth instrumental. Enough said.


  1. LOL you crack me up with the part you wrote about The Black Keys' lead singer.
    Great song, too!

    1. Thanks. I figure if I've gotta suffer I may as well laugh about it. :-)

  2. Your sisterly goth instrumental puts me in mind of the Cocteau Twins - have you ever listened to them? I think you might like some of their 'stuff'.

    Reign in those raging hormones, woman! You're scaring the children! ;)

    1. I've definitely heard of the Cocteau Twins but don't really *know* their oeuvre. If you had to point me to some of their definitive works, which would you choose?

  3. I like the gritty soul of the Black Keys. Good video! Reminds me of some of the abandoned warehouses in Red Hook, Brooklyn and in Detroit.

    1. Yeah, I see what you mean! My sis lived in Red Hook for a few years. She really enjoyed the urban decay chic thing, though it wasn't really my cuppa tea. Still, she had to live there, not I. :-)

  4. Awesome post...yet again Mina. The part about Dan Auerbach, lol, oh yeah. One more letter to go! Are you happy to see it coming to a close? I know that I'm feeling a bit of relief. I'll do it again next year for sure, but I'm so ready to be away from the computer for a few days. Whew!

    1. Ohmigosh, I am SO READY for this to be over!!!!! :-) WHEW, indeed! :-) (But I can't really complain, as participating in this Challenge led me to meeting groovy bloggers such as yourself - and I really do mean that.)

  5. I've always liked Your Woman. I didn't know that song by The Black Keys. And I didn't know the last band at all. Thanks for introducing me to new stuff!

    1. Thanks for the compliment! It seems some folks form their musical tastes in their teens and don't feel too inclined to stray from them but I still get a kick out of that tingle of joy that comes from falling in love with new tuneage. :-)

  6. Aww thanks! You're awesome groovy yourself. Let's stay in touch...seriously. :)

  7. well you do have to wonder about the double entendres in that Allison Moyet song - "For a warm injection
    Is all I need to calm the pain" - honestly! Thanks but just got a load of shit from Wikipedia for some of the bands I knew less about. Be glad when it's over, tho.

    1. LOL, yes, the "warm injection" bit certainly struck me as having potential for naughty interpretation, as does the line, "...I want you to grow in my hand..." Ahem. ;-)


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