
Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Dark Romance of M...

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Master and Servant ~ Depeche Mode

My Dear Friend Nikki warned me that I'd better include this tune and I was happy to oblige. It titillated me back when I first discovered it as an innocent teen and still manages to stir up the naughty-sauce of my psyche. The key to this song's meaning lies in the lyrics, "Domination's the name of the game/in bed or in life, they're both just the same/Except in one you're fulfilled at the end of the day." Word.

Magic ~ Olivia Newton-John

I loved this song when I first heard it back in 1980 and over 30 years later I keep going back to it for its sheer romance. Because what could be more romantic than knowing you'll always be caught when you fall, always be supported, and even guided if necessary, by one who loves you and sticks with you to the bitter end, and believes you capable of any feat, no matter how impossible? To me, that kind of love really is magical. It's the kind of love parents feel for their children, lovers feel for their mates, and even, I honestly think, the kind of love that God feels for us all. (I know that last bit isn't the kind of thing some folks may expect from me, of all people, but hey - I contain multitudes, OK?)

Magnificent ~ U2

Dudes - when I first heard this song, I thought I'd die from the swell of emotion that overtook me. With its pulsing bass line, a guitar riff that alternates between melancholic yearning and triumphant jubilation, that driving snare, and prayer-like lyrics, it's a gorgeous, sweeping, soul-magnifying love song that pushes you along to a conclusion filled with glorious promise. I realize my feelings for it won't be shared by everybody and y'all can just keep that yourselves - for me, this song is sacred. Yes, sacred. (And, according to the Wikipedia article, which I've linked to the song's title, others agree, using words like hymn and anthem to describe it.) (So there.)


  1. Master and Servant is hard to watch. There's a lot going on there!

    Magnficent is a good song. Might be my favorite on the album. I think it was the first single they released.

    Oh, I owned the 45 of Magic, and played it over and over. Imagine my shock when it had a 5-second playtime in the movie and only through a music speaker.

  2. I don't think I ever saw "Xanadu" - that was the last film Gene Kelly made, wasn't it?

    1. I don't know. Looking back, it wasn't a great movie.

  3. Loved this track when Depeche Mode released it - interesting undetones.Thanks for the follo. David

    1. I enjoy your dry wit, David - thanks for popping 'round! :-)

  4. I've been meaning to show Xanadu to my daughter, and I've had three random reminders of it in the past week. Serendipity?

    Love your wolves in your sidebar, btw. Good luck with the rest of the challenge!

    1. It seems Xanadu comes up so rarely these days it MUST BE A SIGN!!!!! ;-)

      Thanks and ditto!

  5. I was so disappointed in Xanadu. I had the biggest celeb crush on Olivia Newton John after seeing Grease a gajillion times in our local theater. I played Magic so many times. lol The memories. :)

    1. Maybe Grease is one of those projects in which you can just never replicate the chemistry, you know what I'm sayin'? :-)

  6. Loved Depeche Mode!!! Back in 1980 I was a staunch and rabid ELO fan and was thrilled they were working on Xanadu's soundtrack. The movie was awful, but the soundtrack was good. I like 'Magic'. Reminds me of high school.

    1. I know what you mean (on all counts!). Back to my earlier comment about replicating chemistry, I think about that flick, "Not Another Teen Movie" and how the soundtrack comprised all these 80s covers. I enjoy Orgy's take on "Blue Monday" (though I may be in the minority) but I don't think the other bands could recapture the magic of the original songs. But that's just me, obviously. :-)


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