
Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Dark Romance of G...

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A Girl Like You ~ The Smithereens

I remember reading, God knows where ('cause I sure don't remember, though it was likely Wikipedia), that this tune was meant for the soundtrack of the movie "Say Anything," only the powers-that-were decided the lyrics revealed too much of the story, so they bagged it. Losers. This powerful rock song, with its expression of everything the singer would do just to have a girl like me (or you; geez, play along with me, here) latched onto my heart and hasn't let go in over twenty years. (OK, the video's incredibly goofy, but the song kicks ass.)

Girlfriend ~ Matthew Sweet

Here's another song I've loved for (slightly over) twenty years - though I admit I wonder if I'd've loved it so long had I seen the video for it sooner. The camera angles on Mr. Sweet give him a slightly creepy stalkerish look which detracts somewhat from the appeal of this groovy tune, but not enough to put me off it. Besides which, I can't resist the charm of the cocky opening line, "I wanna love somebody. I hear you need somebody to love." C'mon, that's pretty cute. (I dunno how I'd react to that in a bar, or whatevs, but still - adorbz!)

Ghost of a Texas Ladies Man ~ Concrete Blonde

Folks, this is a love story from the great beyond (which you know I dig). It's got a fast, relentless beat that won't let up, twangy gee-tars, and clever lyrics that tell a spooky story of spectral sexiness. Best line: "He seemed so glad to see a woman in the flesh and I really liked his spirit." Brilliant.


  1. I know all of the songs and the groups, but never saw the videos. Matthew Sweet is a particular favorite. What a great songwriter.

    A Few Words
    An A to Z Co-host blog

  2. That Matthew Sweet track is awesome!

  3. How much fun are you having with your A-Z? Brilliant selection of music I've not even heard of! ;)

    1. It was a bit of work in March, sorting out songs to use, how to organize, then settling on the theme, rejecting tunes, deciding would I do just one or three (can't do two, that would be an even number and just wrong) work, yet, but pleasurable work! It engrosses me completely, so then having to get back to reality is a bit of a buzzkill. :-)

  4. I'm a big fan of The Smithereens and Concrete Blonde. There were so many S choices for the 80s, so I was conflicted.

    1. Yes! S, I (gah, there were three Depeche songs I desperately wanted for I but forced myself to choose one!), and L choices drove me a bit mad, as there was too much from which to choose and I didn't want to let anything go.

  5. Thanks so much for visiting my bloggy! Yes, I am from the Cape. I see you are from NY! Not sure where, but I used to visit my fam all the time in Yonkers, 'back in the day'. Am following you now!

    1. Now I'm stalking you too! ;-)

      If you visited Yonkers, maybe your family took you shopping at the Cross County Shopping Center - it's evolved a lot in the past five years, with new construction and whatnot.

  6. If I can't get 'A Girl Like You' out of my head I'm totally going to blame you.



    Thought you should know ;)

    1. There are worse tunes to have there. ;-)

      PS: Dig the shifty eyes!

  7. The Smithereens are definitely a lost wonder. Loved them since "Blood and Roses."

    1. Ditto. Almost used "Blood and Roses" for my "B" post!


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