
Monday, April 2, 2012

The Dark Romance of B...

 Red text below = linked text ---> Click to check stuff out!


Boom Boom (Let's Go Back to My Room) ~ Paul Lekakis

Many, many, (many) moons ago, I had a thing for a dude* who told me, straight up, that all he wanted from me was a bit of fun, nothing too serious. It devastated me but I appreciated that he didn't mess me around, just laid out his intentions and anything that happened after that was based on a conscious, clear-eyed decision on my part. That's how I view this raucous, raunchy tune in all its fist-pumping glory - no pretensions of love or romance, just an invitation to a bit of the old boom-boom. God love ya, Paul Lekakis - and you ain't exactly hard on the eyes, neither.

*Edit: Just in case there's any confusion - the dude in question was not the singer of this song; I just meant to say that this song reminds me of that situation.


Because the Night ~ Patti Smith Group

A song so gut-wrenching, so soul-inflaming, and so true that U2 wishes they'd written it, I quiver when I hear it. Dayum, Patti Smith (and Bruce Springsteen, who co-wrote it). Da-yum. (And let's not forget the 10,000 Maniacs Unplugged version, where Natalie Merchant's voice gives that spine-tingling catch as she sings, "...take me now..." toward the end of the tune...yowsa).

Blade in the Back ~ U.N.K.L.E. (featuring Gavin Clark)

Y'all, I am guessing this song's about betrayal, and I have to guess at its meaning, as I can't really make out the lyrics, nor can I find them online (if one o' y'all got 'em, I'd be much obliged to learn what they are). I include it because that growling, grinding riff really revs my motor. Woof.


  1. Man, you're on the ball! So, what happened to this guy? Did he survive? The suspense is killing me!

    1. Man, *you* are up *late*! (You're in the UK, ain'tcha???).

      And which guy? The one who wanted to "boom boom" or the one with the blade in the back??? :-)

  2. Good to meet you on the A-Z challenge! I don't know that I've ever had a relationship like that, but I can see how it's good that Paul Lekakis was honest with you. I love how your doing songs, what a good idea.

    1. Thanks, Angela - nice to meet you too! Are you taking the Challenge too? If so, what's the link to your blog?

      In case I was unclear in my post, what I meant to say was that Lekakis' song reminded me of this situation I was in with another dude, not that Lekakis himself was that dude! (I should be so lucky!!!) :-)

  3. This is what I found for the lyrics - I'm completely unfamiliar with the song, so I'm not sure this is the one.

    Forget everything and remember
    You got the fear
    Forget everything and remember

    You got the fear
    Forget everything and remember
    You got the fear
    Forget everything and remember

    You got the fear
    You got the fear
    Forget everything and remember
    You got the fear

    Forget everything and remember

    You got the fear
    Forget everything and remember
    Forget everything and remember
    Forget everything and remember

    You got the fear
    Forget everything and remember
    You got the fear

    Forget everything and remember
    You got the fear

    Huh - I don't think this song sounds very nice.

    Katy O

    1. Thanks for your detective work, Katy O! But I also think the lyrics you posted are for a different tune; I believe the song I'm referencing opens up with the phrase, "Blade in the back," and has the word "bones" in it, here and there.

  4. Beacause the Night is all manner of awesome. I saw Bruce over here in Wales a couple of years ago and he did a blistering version of it. I didn't know that 10,000 Maniacs covered it though. Off to YouTube I go...

  5. Just listened / watched it. Blimey...

    1. Wow, that's really cool that you got to see The Boss perform it live! One of his songs that I absolutely adore (and almost used for the "C" in this A to Z Challenge) is "Cover Me." Love it.

  6. Liked your B post. I'll try not to take issue with your U2 comment since I love them.

    1. I wasn't trying to diss U2, honest! That's almost a direct quote from Bono! Check it; U2 performed "Because the Night" live with Patti Smith and Bruce Springsteen (the "U2" text in the post above is in red because I linked the YouTube clip of this performance to it). When Bono introduces the song, he says, "This is the song we wished we'd written.: :-)

      PS: A U2 song turns up in my "M" post, later on in the month.

  7. You blogged about Paul Lekakis.

    No one in the history of ever has blogged about Paul Lekakis


    'bout time someone did.

    1. You know me, Dude - I'm on the vanguard mentioned chocolate, I believe?


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