
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Tagged By Pearson Report - A to Z Co-Host

***This is a game of blog tag that I'm attempting to play; the text below is pasted from elsewhere and my answers to the questions are in red. Lord only knows if I'd doing this right, and if I'm not, please forgive - I'm largely clueless.***

Have you ever wondered what would happen if we played TAG out here in Bloggerville?

TAG = The Answer Game

You'll be asked the following questions and you answer them on your blog! (A simple copy and paste event - no biggie.)

Then you pose the same questions to your Followers and so on, and so on…

If you play the game...I’ll add your blog to my TAGGED BY PEARSON REPORT Blog List - where everyone will know you are a team player who's kickin' it with me and the A to Z team. Our goal is to see 1,000 participants, on the sign-up list, by March here’s your chance to pitch in and show your support by playing TAG.


Are you signed up for the A to Z Challenge?
As I noted in my previous blog post, I completely lost my mind and did, in fact, sign up for the Challenge. God help us all.

What is your sign-up number?
Edited to note: as of March 17, I'm #635.

I'm #637, Some Dark Romantic, at the moment (I was #638 just the other day...someone saner than I must've dropped out).

Are you ready? If yes...explain yourself.
I'm getting there. Came up with a theme ('cause I heart me some themes, y'all) and plugged in some ideas for a number of letters. I'm deliberating over exactly how to execute the theme and need to peg stuff to the other letters (whatever fills those blank spaces may guide me in the theme's execution). So I reckon I'd say I'm a third of the way along, more or less.

If you’re not ready...what’s your excuse?
Geez, take a chill pill - what are you, like, my mother? (She's never satisfied.)

Just copy and paste these questions in your post and have at ‘er! Let’s see what makes you a Blogging from A to Z participant!

Tell Pearson Report when you post your answers and you will be added to the TAGGED BY PEARSON REPORT Blog List which is on the side of the page just under the list of A to Z Co-Hosts.

The spotlight’s on you…all you have to do is play The Answer Game (TAG).

So what are you waiting’ve just been TAGGED!

And a little perk for Pearson Reports' Followers of Note - if you participate I will enter your sign-up number into a draw basket for an original artistic creation from my daughter, Courtney, a designer in Animation. The piece I have selected is called Life and is a series of four prints - they can be seen HERE

***OK, fellow Bloggers - and you know who you are - Don't just stand there, let's get to it! Play the game, there's nothin' to it - TAG!!!***


  1. Hey Mina Lobo - I love your answer to the last question! :) Like really, what was I thinking, eh!!

    Overall it sounds like you're on the right path and will breeze through the Challenge in April - I look forward to seeing what you post then.

    Thank you for playing TAG with me. I have added your name to my TAGGED BY PEARSON REPORT Blog List. And I've added myself as your latest follower.

    Jenny @ Pearson Report
    Co-Host of the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.
    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  2. Thanks, Jenny! I'm actually quite excited about the Challenge, and about exploring other blogs for a worthwhile cause! :-)


C'mon, post a comment. All the cool kids do.