
...aka, awards I have won/writing challenges I have conquered. Not that there's some kinda, like, blogosphere overlords body of judges painstakingly sifting through the Interwebs to give these out to folks, or anything. (I'm guessing.) Nevertheless, some folks thought they should praise me like they should - who am I to stop them?

Co-hosted Zombie Apocalypse: Survival Kit & Crew with
Dani of Entertaining Interests and Jackie of Bouquet of Books.

Awarded by Father Dragon Writes

My entry for the 2013 Spooktoberfest Blog Hop was a runner up!
With thanks to Jackie of Bouquet of Books and Dani of Entertaining Interests for hosting!

Participated in RWA-NYC's 50 Shades of Sexy Blog Tour

Participated in the Anti-Blogfest Gary Fest!

Contributing Writer in Tree of Life: Branching Out ~ A Collaborative Writing Challenge 2013,hosted by Samantha Redstreake Geary

Participating Writer in
Contributor to Sofia Grey's JULY FEVER 2013 - 31 Days of Hotness Blog Hop!

Bestowed upon me by Christine Rains for my 2013 A to Z Topic: Aphrodisiacs!

Survived the 2013 Blogging from A to Z April Challenge!

Participated in the 2013 Blogging from A to Z April Challenge

Was a helper/minion/ninja to Blogging from A to Z Challenge Co-Host Damyanti

Co-hosted the Pre-A to Z Big Reveal Blog Hop with David Macaulay of Brits in the USA

Participated in the Top Ten Movie Countdown Blogfest, hosted by author Alex J. Cavanaugh

Participated in the She Said What?! blog hop hosted by Elise Fallson and Michelle Wallace.

Participated in the Vampire Bite Blog Hop, hosted by Author Jolie Du Pré of Precious Monsters

Participated in the Beginnings Blogfest, hosted by L.G. Keltner of Writing Off the Edge

Participated in the Zombie Blog Hop hosted by Jolie of Precious Monsters

My entry was a co-winner of Spooktoberfest 2012,
hosted by Jackie of Bouquet of Books and Dani of Entertaining Interests.

Participated in the "What Was Your Childhood Monster?" Blogfest hosted by Christine Rains

Nominated by Georgina Morales of Diary of a Writer in Progress and also Chris Fries of A Writer's Expanding and Slightly-Warped Universe

Nominated to work for this award by Al Diaz over at Father Dragon Writes as well as the grooky (groovy + kooky = grooky) ghouls over at Horror Shock Lolipop

Nominated to exert myself for this award by L.G. Keltner of Writing Off the Edge

Forced to pick my top 5 fave books by Catherine Stine of Idea City

Completed the Post A to Z Road Trip Challenge!

Made to write stuff about myself by Elise Fallson

 Nominated by L.G. Keltner of Writing Off the Edge & Heather Murphy of Random Interruptions

Nominated by Andrea Teagan of The Enchanted Writer

Also made to write stuff 'bout 'self by Chris Fries of A Writer's Expanding and Slightly-Warped Universe

Participated in Cherie Reich's 2nd Annual Flash Fiction Blogfest

Nominated by Tracy Makara at Pull Up a Toadstool & Jolie du Pre at Precious Monsters

Learn more about the Blogging from A to Z challenge!

Nominated by/Image by Mark Kelly at The DM's Screen

Also nominated by L.G. Keltner of Writing Off the Edge and Warped Nerdiversity & Chris Fries of A Writer's Expanding and Slightly-Warped Universe

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